Thursday, March 22, 2007

"pre-PRCP symptom"

Dear Blog,
after weeks and weeks of long waiting,the PRCP attachment venue and time is finally out.. it was a painful period of time when everyone alr know where they are going execpt for SGH students, i guess there are too many of us that why there is a delay in releasing the depts.. nevertheless, it is FINALLY out!

where will i be going?
Ans: A & E(very first batch to go there for PRCP!)

Am i happy?
Ans: Yes (It is one of my choice!!!)
No (my usual attachment group are not with me! losin them days after days!)

Well, frankly speaking, my feeling are really hard to describe now and i finally understand the real meaning of "pre-PRCP symptom"...Lets just state that every student nurses have to go thru this phase.. i learnt something new today and would wish to share it with everyone: "If i could survive this time round, i would become stronger the next time round"

To all my nursin friends who happen to be reading now, for the next 6 weeks, things may not go well as wat we expected and we do not have each other to encourage at the end of the day but bear in mind, we have come so far and the path to success is just 6 weeks away! hang on it there! be stronger and get survive this time round!

signing out
~encouragement is all i need now~

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